Thursday, July 12, 2012

(nerd) (time)

hi ..guys..long time not see... here's some books i have read n currently read right now.. maybe you want to read it too ?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

[huello temans]

hello guys..long time not see..hari ini gua baca  soalan Friendster,,inget friendster dong,,,temen lama kita yang udah jarang kita cari,,sekarang orang demennya Facebook..kemana-mana orang ngomentarin soalan Facebook,,comment,,status,,tag,,smua istilah keren deh pokok e,,,ampe-ampe yang paling gaptek pun kalo ngebahas facebook langsung ngerti,,hahaha,,mohon maap kepada friendster yang telah setia menjadi teman sosialisasi kami di jaman doloe,,, we gonna miss you somehow,,

anyway.,,there's a good news...kabarnya friendster mau muncul dengan logo baru teman-teman,,hahaha,, kalo mau tau detail lengkapnya baca disini

anyway temans.mohon maaf untuk ketiadaan curhatku untuk beberapa bulan ini,,,sibuk seh [ceile,,,sok gituuu,,] ,,hahaha,,bukan nape-nape,,,gua lagi gantiin temen kantor yang lagi cuti temans..

btw,,untuk mengobati rasa rindu kalian kepada diriku [ceilee,,sok lagi neh..],,akan ku post kan beberapa artikel blog lama ku di Friendster,, hehehe ..met membaca temans,,,

wow,,somehow i just realize i have been a blogger for almost 3!! ,,hahaha,,,

ok ,.akhir kata dan tanpa basa basi lagi..selamat membaca,,, dan silahkanlah kalian berkomentar,,wkwkwk


Sunday, February 27, 2011


For a week i think i really become some kind of a social person,,arrghh,,so many things i have to do.but it seems that i just mess all my time or what?? hmm..kinda really confuse,,

on the First monday , i went to met my friend ..tuesday..met my cousin..wednesday ..go to my Big Family Connect Group , and then thursday ,,helped my friend whom aunty asked me to join her to go to a bank occasion. and saturday.met my friends again and sang some songs with them...and then finally ..Sunday..go to church,,after that go met my friends in God and held a little meeting for a while,,ate together..went to blogger Bertuah anniversary [blogger Bertuah is a place for Riau blogger to share and  to learn about blog and to know each other..] that's all folks.hehe.. and at midnite,,i help my friend who got sick ..she so weak .,..and we must go to 24 hours hospital because there's no hospital which open at that time.we took her to emergency department.. today ..she still wait for the blood check..hopefully nothing happens..

hahaha..but anyway..just love it..can meet a lot of people even it's so tired...i  feel that i do so much thing..but next time ,i should manage my time wiser..

that's all for today..see ya all next time,.. :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Who What Wear [videos]

need some inspiration..maybe you can try to check these videos...

[Artists LoOk]

[Mens Wear LoOk]

[Off Duty Style]

Monday, May 24, 2010


hahaha..Finally i can eat all these food,,,it's been a long time that i never eat food like this.. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gesang ,[one of maestros in Indonesia]~Bengawan Solo~

it's so sad to hear that one of the indonesia Maestro has died last thursday (21/05/2010) ..he died in 93 years old ..Ironically, he is only able to enjoy the royalties when he was approaching elderly.. sad to hear that,.,even his song has been translated into so many languanges,,such as mandarin,japan,etc.. 

i will post the lyrics here,of course in the original languange : [INDONESIA]

Bengawan Solo
Artist: Gesang 
Bengawan Solo
Riwayatmu ini
Sedari dulu jadi...
Perhatian insani

Musim kemarau
Tak seberapa airmu
Dimusim hujan air..
Meluap sampai jauh

Mata airmu dari Solo
Terkurung gunung seribu
Air meluap sampai jauh
Dan akhirnya ke laut

Itu perahu
Riwayatnya dulu
Kaum pedagang selalu...
Naik itu perahu

this is one of the song with the mandarin language 

~RIP sir ~